CNS634 Counseling Codependency Syllabus

LOGOS Equivalent Course Numbers

      Undergraduate: CNS234 Counseling Codependency

      Graduate: CNS634 Counseling Codependency


Course Description

This is an in-depth course dealing with the overall topic of codependency. It covers the origin of the problem, description of codependency, types of codependency, differential diagnosis of codependency, and methods of treating each type.


Text Books: Conquering Codependency Workbook by Pat Springle 


Transformation! How Simple Bible Stories Provide In-depth Answers for Life’s Most Difficult Problems by Dr. Reiner (Also used in the Transformation course)


Additional Graduate Text Book: Love is a Choice Workbook by Minirth and Meyer

Download below the Codependent Matrix of types, the Codependent Inventory, comprehensive characteristic lists and recovery plans for each type of Codependency in MS Word (DOC) format.

Codependency Charts
Codependent Matrix of types, the Codependent Inventory, comprehensive characteristic lists and recovery plans for each type of Codependency
CNS634 Codependency matrix, characterist
Microsoft Word Document 113.0 KB


1. Read the text books, view the videos and take notes.

2. Assignment #1 Write a 3 page paper giving your definition of Codependency and comparing how the difference types fit within your definition. Do additional research on the subject citing at least 3 additional references.

3. Assignment #2 Write a 5 page paper on how you have or would counsel one of the types of codependency. Do additional research on this subject citing at least 3 additional sources.

4. Assignment #3 FOR GRADUATE STUDENTS ONLY: Write a five page paper comparing one of the subtypes of codependency with the associated form of mental illness diagnosed in DSM IV. Do additional research on the subject and cite at least 3 additional references.

5. Complete reading and filling out the assocaited workbook (s).

6. Take and pass the final examination.


Class 1: What is Codependency?

Class 2: The Causes of Codependency

Class 3: The General Treatment of Codependency

Class 4: Assessment and Differential Diagnosis

Class 5: Treating Dependent Passivity

Class 6: Treating the Dependent Rescuer

Class 7: Treating the Independent Worldly Success

Class 8: Treating Independent Worldly Failure

Class 9: Treating Responsibility Avoidance

Class 10: Treating Relationship Avoidance




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