CNS530 Introduction to Christian Counseling Syllabus

LOGOS equivalent course numbers:

Undergraduate: CNS130 Introduction to Christian Counseling

Graduate: CNS530 Introduction to Christian Counseling


Course Description: This course provides an overview of the need for Christian counseling in the church, how it should be integrated into the church, and the basic tenents of Faith Therapy, a type of Christian counseling derived directly from and based on the Bible. It includes a psychological understanding of the process of salvation by faith, winning the trial of your faith, how to increase faith, how to assess faith, and how to apply it to meet our deepest needs for self-worth, significance, security, and love. It also describes models for conquering the common problems of low self-image, pride, selfish desires, strife, fear, spiritual oppression, lust, and for developing healthy attachment. It is easily taught and applied in churches because it is completely based on the Bible.


Text Book: Faith Therapy by Dr. Reiner 


Additional Graduate Text Book: Search for Significance by Robert McGee 





1. Read and underline important passages and insights in the textbook Faith Therapy.


2. Watch each video while referencing the book and take any additional notes not covered in the textbook. Prepare for the open book final examination.


3. Write a 3 page paper on the development of faith in your own life. Tell what experiences led to or increased faith in your life.


4. Write a 5 page paper applying the principles of faith to one of the particular counseling situations described in the book. Although reporting on work with an actual client is encouraged (keeping the identity confidential), the student may discuss how he or she would apply these techniques to his or her own life or to helping a friend. Do additional research on the subject with at least three references other than the Bible.


5. For graduate credit, students are required to write an additional 5 page paper on how they would integrate faith with his or her theory of counseling. Be sure to answer the question as to how the application of faith would be used in treating specific psychological problems. How would the body, flesh, soul, and spirit be affected? Use Bible verses to defend your position. Cite at least three additional references.


6. Take the open book test that will be E-mailed to you when have completed the papers. You may use your notes, book, or the videos for reference.


7. Submit your papers and final examination to Word of Life Institute for grading.


Lesson 1: Faith Therapy – Presents a description of the need for and the application of Faith Therapy in the Church.
Lesson 2: A Biblical Foundation – Explains the process of salvation by faith from a Biblical and psychological basis.
Lesson 3: Biblical Faith – Describes the basic principles of faith and the analogy of the “trial of your faith.”  
Lesson 4: Faith and Self-worth – Explains how to use faith to overcome problems of low self-worth.
Lesson 5: Faith and Significance – Explains how to use faith to overcome problems of significance.
Lesson 6: Faith and Security – Explains how to use faith to overcome insecurity and discusses the principles of protection from catastrophe and how to have a happy life.
Lesson 7: Faith and Love – Explains how to use faith to overcome problems with love and attachment.
Lesson 8: Overcoming Self-image, Pride and Selfish-desires – Provides Biblical models for using faith to overcome these problems.  
Lesson 9: Overcoming Strife, Fear, and Spiritual Oppression – Provides Biblical models for using faith to overcome these problems.
Lesson 10: Healthy Attachment and Lust – Provides Biblical models for using faith to overcome these problems.  




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