Learn More About Word of Life Ministries and Schools

Word of Life Ministries and Schools is a non-profit 501(c)(3) corporation dedicated to meeting the needs of people and furthering the Kingdom of God.  It's mission statement is to "have as many outreaches as possible to save as many souls as possible." Within this corporation is Word of Life Church with two campuses, a day care, a traditional school grades K-12, a teen ministry, counseling center, and Word of Life Christian Counseling Training Institute.  



               In our bookstore, we no longer provide links to a particular book dealer but give lists of what we think are the best books on a particular subject allowing you to purchase these books where you feel appropriate.

             It has been brought to our attention that there are some other websites offering our videos as counseling training.  We appreciate their desire to propagate our materials but we cannot offer course credit or validate any certifications they might offer. 

          We have loaded our newest course "Addiction Recovery According to the Bible" just recorded in Slovakia in English with Slovak interpretation.  It has now been translated into Swahili and  Arabic.  These videos are entitled "Additions for Slovakia,"  "Addictions in Swahili" and "Addictions in Arabic." The Lord led us to present this seminar for the Roma (Gypsies) in Slovakia but we believe it is the purest all-Bible method of addition recovery yet and it is set up so that it can be easily re-interpreted into other languages.  We believe the Lord really gave us some breakthroughs here at this seminar.  Watch it and let us know what you think.  






click here. 
