CNS531 Biblical Counseling Syllabus

LOGOS equivalent course numbers:

Undergraduate: CNS131 Biblical Counseling

Graduate: CNS531 Biblical Counseling


Course Description: This course teaches 44 of the most important principles in the Bible, counseling methods and techniques for their application, and how to construct counseling plans from biblical principles.


Text Book: Principles of Life: Using Biblical Principles to Bring Dynamic Psychological Healing by Dr. Reiner


Additional Graduate Text Books: How People Grow by Cloud and Townsend



1. First read and underline important passages and insights in the textbook Principles for Life.

2. Watch each video while referencing the book and take any additional notes not covered in the textbook. Prepare for the open book final examination.

3. Write a 3 page paper developing a new biblical principle not discussed in this book. Use a concordance, topical Bible, or computer program to gather verses. Use the same format as in the book and have at least 10 points and verses.

4. Write 5 page paper developing a counseling plan for a simple psychological problem. Use the forms provided and make sure to explain your problem and solution train. Provide a list of the steps you would take to counsel this problem. Do additional research on the subject and cite at least 3 refrences other than the Bible.

5. For graduate credit students are required to write an additional 5 page paper developing a new Biblical counseling plan for a complex psychological problem. Make sure to justify your problem, solution, and the steps to your plan. Do additional reseach on the subject and cite at least 3 references other thatn the Bible.

6. Take the open book test that will be E-mailed to you when you have submitted the papers. You may use your notes, book, or the DVDs for reference.

7. Submit your papers and final examination to Word of Life Institute for grading at

Lesson 1: Principles of Biblical Change – Reviews the classical methods of Biblical counseling and introduces the Train of Psychological Wholeness based on Proverbs 3:5.

Lesson 2: Principles of the Will – Explains the principles of the will including free choice, lordship, commitment and repentance.

Lesson 3: Principles of the Spirit – Gives an overview of nine aspects of the spiritual realm including salvation.

Lesson 4: Principles of the Mind – Discusses the principle of the mind and perceptions.

Lesson 5: Principles of Needs – Explains how we are motivated and attempt to meet our basic psychological needs.

Lesson 6: Principles of Action – Provides a discussion of the factors that affect how we act, speak, and judge.

Lesson 7: Principles of Experience – Discusses the critical importance of our experiences and the methods for dealing with the experiences and emotions in our lives.

Lesson 8: How to Build a Counseling Plan for Common Problems– Gives a step-by-step method for developing counseling plans based on the Train of Psychological Wholeness.

Lesson 9: Counseling Plans for Complex Problems – Presents examples of counseling plans for eight common problems.

Lesson 10: How to Counsel Using Biblical Principles – Provides a complete method for counseling using biblical principles.




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